
I just added several new pieces recently..several war hammers as well as a very nice Pattern Welded Germanic sword and a beautiful Japanese blade prototype I made for book IV. This sword is simply mind blowing.  More pieces will be added shortly as I  am now back at it full time. It has been a long road but I am finally back,  So take a look.. I will be adding more pieces as they are finished included another in my limited Japanese blade series.

As always if you have any questions by all means feel free to drop us a line  at 

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or call us (evenings are best and we are in the Eastern US time zone) at 727 857 7784

Thank you for your interest.




It's been a bit since our last update..and after fighting my way through a stupid injury that had put me a wee bit behind schedule..I am BACK!!  So with that being said...

NEW STUFF is up on the In Stock pages.. There are a bunch of really..REALLY NICE pattern welded pieces that have just been posted for immediate sale!! These  pieces are just gorgeous..so please take a look-see at what is there.. and if any of them piques your interest..by all means let me know...

What is in the works.., carbon steel swords, daggers and knives along with some other fun stuff..Now here is a totally cruel teaser... I am going to post one of my Japanese blade prototypes here in a  wee bit..once I finish the mounts..so keep a look see for that...This one is looking GOOD so far...

As always... if you have any questions or if you wish to see additional photos..please, by all means feel free to ask!

All in all....THANK YOU for then interest in Salamander Armoury... it is greatly appreciated..

Thank you once again!!



As mentioned earlier.. here is the info!! We are having a sale on all pattern welded pieces listed on our In stock pages.. My wife Sue is undergoing surgery this Monday as we need lucre!! Prices are in effect now until midnight on the 2nd of February 2019 (Saturday). Prices are discounted to a very attractive price point and all are ready to go..With that being said..

Due to Sue's Surgery on this Monday I will be out of the loop Monday and Tuesday..and maybe some part of Wednesday as well..However..I will be reading my e-mail on a regular basis so not to worry..If you want a piece and write in I will get back to you as soon as I can...

So..take a look and if anything piques your interest..by all means let me know..  Take care and THANK YOU for your interest in Salamander Armoury.



UPDATE!! 2/28/19: Sue came through surgery with no problem and is well on her way to recovery. Please note: The sale is still in effect until this next Saturday..  Please take a look and see what is available..  ~~~JPH~~~

Hello and a Happy 2019!

 All of us here at Salamander Armoury would like to send our wishes for a Happy 2019 to all of you and yours.....

Well I am entering my 5th decade of making blades and I plan on another couple decades after this..which brings up to an UPDATE!!

New Items on the "In Stock" pages as well as a couple of older pieces that I took in for trade a long while back that somehow got packed away and I have just rediscovered them..these are all available for immediate sale.. So please take a look...

All in all I am back to work and starting to finally get back up to my usual level of production after that 7 and a half month hiatus..So please check back in a day or two for another very interesting announcement..

Until then, best wishes to all and thank you for your continued interest.



UPDATE!!  New Items Posted!!

Hello!!  I just posted several new pattern welded blades and are they GORGEOUS!! So, if would be so kind as to take a look at what is new on our "In Stock" pages I think you may find something to pique your interest! One of these is a brand new pattern (well i think I am the first to do this) that I have posted... Take a look!! It is GORGEOUS!!

What is coming:.. I am starting a run of high carbon swords, war hammers and a few high carbon daggers as soon as I am finished with this last few pattern welded pieces.. Once they are completed I will post when they are ready to go.. In the mean time..

I will be finishing up all sorts of little "odds and ends" pieces  as they "come up"  some will be very interesting as they say.... so please check in every now and then to see what is new..You may be surprised.. In fact, I know you will because I know what I am working on  (heh heh heh)..

We here at Salamander Armoury want to say THANK YOU to all of you who have been "there" for us.. We greatly appreciate your support over all of these years, especially this last year..for without your generous support we wouldn't be "here"  (Jim is in his 50th ...YES 50th!! year of bladesmithing we are going stronger than ever !!!) hammering out high quality blades hand forged by a Master Smith.. Thank you...

