
I just listed some really NICE pattern welded pieces on the "In Stock" pages.. and more are coming!!

UPDATE!! We are back!! I am back in the swing as they say after a close to 7 month hiatus due to the move from Henderson down here to Spring Hill..  I am still getting use to the new studio..I am spending about half of my time trying to remember where I put stuff in our new studio..I have half again as much room than our old one and well..it's nice but I am still getting use to it!!

What is coming... I am doing a run of sgain dubhs in both pattern welded and high carbon steel..The first ones should be up this weekend..I will be putting out another update when they are done and listed.

So take a peek at the new items and if you have any questions or would like any additional photos..all you have to do is ask!

I want to thank you all for your continued support and patronage. It is GREATLY appreciated indeed!!

Best to all!!




An update!! This fall I enter my 50th year in Bladesmithing! What a ride it has been so far...and I wish to thank all that have supported me over the years and well..I am not planning on quitting any time soon so here's to whatever the future may hold!!

Which brings us to this: NEW ITEMS!

Finally I am up and running and the first few "Florida Made" blades are up and available on my in stock pages. These are NICE pieces and honestly..I am feeling it as far as the down time I had moving and building our new studio... However these blades turned out GREAT even though they did take a bit longer to make than usual thanks to my being a bit "rusty". Worry not..I am well on the way to bouncing back to my usual cantankerous self..  So take a peak and see what's new/// More blades are on the way....

As always if you have any questions, or wish any additional photos, simply ask..I will do my best to address your inquiries.. 

THANK YOU ALL for 50 years of adventure...



This is a MAJOR UPDATE..... Things are changing here at Salamander Armoury..So without further adieu let's get into it.

FIRST!!  We are MOVING..Yes after some 25 years in Nevada we are MOVING down south. We should complete the move by the end of this year and be back up and running sometime around the later part of January/earl February 2018. WE ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. In fact I will be still here in Nevada while Sue is down securing the property as well as helping me arrange for a new studio to be built. The plan is for me to continue to work here for the next 2 1/2 months or so and then move everything studio wise down there.. so not to worry..I am still hammering away and will for as long as I can up here prior to the final move...In fact I intend to work as many extra hours as I can in order to get stuff up and posted here for direct sale, so please stop by and take a look

SECOND: This one is a heart breaker.. This last June, my publisher Peder Lund passed on while in Finland... I just gotten word that as of 31 Dec, 2017 Paladin Press..the publishing house that has been so very good to me and has kept my books in print for the last 30 some odd years is closing their doors. This means that as of Jan 1, 2018 my books will no longer be available for original sale.  HOWEVER....all copyrights and properties entailed in my books and my videos revert back to me on 1 Jan, 2018 and I am already in the process of speaking with a new publishing house to get these books back in print and once more available. I WILL keep you all posted on this as things progress.

Third!! NEW STUFF!!!  We have a lot of new stuff up and ready for immediate sale...Axes!! a whole mess of them...Spears!! a passel full of those as well..and some more pattern welded blades, including a really unique (I call it weird..but what Hell..) , fantasy inspired cross between a shamshir and yatagan.  A most wicked blade indeed with a drop dead patterning  and just plain gorgeous.. It is a monster that is for certain.. 

Fourth: I have decided due to all the calls and e-mail I have been getting to list several of my prototype pieces I made for the Japanese section of my 4th book...These are signed as prototypes as well as the materials used and blade construction. I will be listing these this weekend. With all of the interest in these, I can honestly say these pieces will probably move quickly so if you have an interest in one of them..ACT swiftly cause once these are gone..that is it.

So..that's the scoop on what is going on around here...so please take a look and see what we have that is new and exciting  offered for sale.  As always,  if you would like any additional photos or have any questions about anything listed on our site, please,  by all means feel free to ask.

In closing...THANK YOU for your time and interest in us here at Salamander Armoury, it is greatly appreciated.



Just posted some of my throwing axes to my in stock pages so please take a look and see what we have.

I will also be posting two more swords, a NICE pattern Welded Arming sword and one of my last swords in my Japanese series of 125.

What is being worked on. Spears!  Along with another batch of throwing axes (in a couple of different styles) . also I am working on another run of pattern welded daggers as well as black iron mounted high carbon swords. I will be posting new items as they are finished.

So take a look and see what we have that's new.

THANK YOU for your interest in us here at Salamander Armoury



Update!  Just posted two new pattern welded Arming swords on my "In Stock" pages. Please take a look.. In the next day or two I will be posting two more pieces..One of which is one of the last 4  of my Japanese blades in my limited series. I found a blade that was put away 3/4 the way done so I just finished it up and is it GORGEOUS. It's a Gen II (1070 outer with a mild steel/soft iron core).  So if you get a chance take a look

What is in the works: AXES! Throwing axes are almost done and spears will follow as soon as the browning is complete. I will post a notice when they are up and ready to go.. In the que..Pattern welded daggers along with two of my limited edition "Dark Age" pattern welded swords...along with  a few other fun things.. So please drop by and see what's new!

Thank you for your time..
